29 October 2022

Blog Marathon - October 2022 - Day 29 - Forgive and forget?

Yesterday my son came with his German friend for dinner. I had prepared Upma for dinner because we had noodles late for lunch and no one was feeling very hungry. They both were talking about a third friend with whom they fought. That friend cursed them and said bad words to them it seems. I have no idea what exactly transpired between them. But they both came home leaving that third friend alone. That German friend had bread and butter for dinner at our place, they played for some time, and then my son and my husband accompanied him home as it got dark.

Today morning that German friend who came yesterday went to that third friend in the morning and they both called my son out to play. My son very happily, forgetting everything that happened last evening went to play with both of them as if nothing had happened. I am now kind of used to this behavior of kids. One time they fight and the next moment they forget it and come together. Can we as adults ever do that? Are we able to forgive and forget so easily? I know many families who have stopped talking to each other just because there was a misunderstanding and they were not able to forget and move ahead and the relationship has been spoiled forever. They have not met or seen each other for festivals or any other important things in each other's lives. How much time do people lose in taking unnecessary ego trips and spoiling their lives by hating their family members? We just have one life, then why not spend it loving each other, and being there for each other? Why have grudges against each other? Why spend time having negative feelings for people when we just take birth on this earth only once? Life is too short to fight over trivial things. 

Seeing my son and his friends fight and come back again as if nothing has happened fills my heart with hope. I want them to be happy and always together. With time, they will become mature and have a better understanding of people and things. And I am looking forward to this journey with him. 


  1. मनुष्य जन्म आपल्याला अनेक जन्मानंतर मिळाला आहे तो सार्थकी कसा लावायचा हेच समजले नाही की अशा गोष्टी वाढत्या प्रमाणात घडतात. आम्हाला दरवेळी असाच चांगला जन्म मिळेल हा भ्रम दूर होत नाही, अहंकार वाढतो आणि माणूस नको तेच करतो.

  2. Very nice 👌👌👌👌


The divine intervention

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