18 October 2019

Blog Marathon - Post 18 - Autumn hues

With the change in the season, there is also a change in my activity level. Suddenly from a week or so, I am feeling exhausted and moving around like a zombie. I lay in bed at 9:30 pm but sleep only by 11. I have to get up in the morning at 6:15 am and often feel groggy and tired. I met with a Brazilian friend today for lunch, and she complained of exhaustion too. I think it's the change in the weather and the seasons that tires the mind and the body. It's a significant shift from sunny weather and long days to short and grey days. The body prepares to store energy for the impending long dark nights, I think.

On Friday evening, after having dinner, T and I were sitting watching TV, and I was scratching my head over the topic to write for today. And my sister called from Stuttgart. She is an excellent photographer and often clicks photos of beautiful things around in nature, and she offered to send me the pictures of the different Autumn hues that are abundantly seen around nowadays.

Different shades of yellow, brown, green adorn the trees and the ground.

Isn't it beautiful?

All these leaves will slowly lose their color and become brown and black and will rot and act as a manure for the new plants and trees that will bloom after the winter in Spring. Change in life is inevitable. Just as the summer has given way to Autumn, Autumn will welcome the Winter. Winter will end, and Spring shall arrive, and Summer will kiss the blue skies yet again! Human beings go through a cycle too. With ups and downs in life, with happiness and sadness, with problems and solutions, we all try to move ahead in life. In our own way, at our own pace, in our capacity, we try to strike a balance in our lives.

The weekend looks rainy and we will spend time at home, playing Monopoly, drawing, and painting. Planning to do something on the theme of Autumn, let's see! 

1 comment:

The divine intervention

The sole intention to start the spiritual group, Adhyatmwari in Germany was to give people a platform to practice their spiritual beliefs an...