14 October 2019

Blog Marathon - Post 14 - Obsession with the fair skin

What's your favorite color? 

My favorite color is blue, yellow, and orange.

No, I mean, "What's your favorite (skin) color?"

(Skin) color? Obviously, fair and white!! 

There is no other color that sells in the Indian market. We all are obsessed with it. The Indian market sells creams and soaps and cosmetics, dresses, and matching accessories to make a dark-skinned person look fair. As if intelligence, social skills, and social status are directly dependent on fair complexion and skin. It has become a measure of goodness, and if the person is fair-skinned, he/she can do anything and be a horrible person also!

The obsession with skin color is at a peak in the Indian marriage market. No matter how the boys' family looks or is at heart, a fair-skinned wife for the son is mandatory. A brown or dark-skinned girl has little or no value there. The newspapers and matrimonial sites are often replete with demands for girls who are fair, tall, humble, and adjusting. A fair-skinned girl is most sought after for marriage. We are already in the 21st century. Women have conquered all most all the possible positions in the world based on their caliber, talent, and intelligence and not their skin color. When foreigners visit India, they are mostly stared at. People even try to touch them and click selfies with them.

I don't understand the obsession with it. I think the association of skin color has to do something with the castes and races deeply rooted in Indian society. Black, brown may be considered to be of a less superior race or caste and white and fair that of superior race or caste. In Europe, it's just the opposite. People give a lot of money to become brown and tanned. They go to the studios, especially to get a suntan. They think white is not as beautiful as being brown or black.

For me, personally, the color is not really important as long as the people are good at heart. I gel with anyone who is open-hearted, who smiles, who lives life embracing the differences between people. My friends are from all over the world. They are from Germany, Brazil, Croatia, Russia, Mexico, and, most importantly, India. They are brown, dark-skinned, and fair. To me, fairness in their hearts matters the most.

I came across this lovely video on YouTube and would like to share it with you. Thankfully, things are slowly changing in India and worldwide. Dark-skinned people are becoming models of leading brands, and I really think it's going to be the new in-thing.

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