18 February 2023

Blog Marathon - February 2023 - Day 18 - Raise your vibration

I am currently reading a book called "Raise Your Vibration" by Kyle Gray. And every word on every page is just mind-blowing. You would say there are many books written on this topic in vernacular languages; our ancient Indian culture prescribes various practices and rituals to reach the highest potential of the mind and the body; what's so great about this book? Unfortunately, staying in Germany, I am far away from the Marathi literature that talks about these things in our culture or environment. Also, the books in Marathi are not easily available online as e-books or paperbacks in Germany. So, I have to satisfy my thirst for reading my favourite topics in a language that is easily available, easily comes to me, and easily connects with me.

What is a vibration? For me, it is the energy that flows within our body that keeps us alive! Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes its form. We all have different energies, or rather, different frequencies at which we vibrate. You might instantly like a certain person, and someone else might repel you. It's actually these frequencies, I think, that help us accept a person as our friend and filter out others who don't match our frequencies.

There are three things that the author has recommended in this book for a higher vibration: We have been practicing these things for a long time as a part of growing up. Gratitude, devotion, and kindness are essential to being tuned to a higher frequency. Gratitude for people, things, and life in general brings a sense of happiness. When we devote our energy to someone or some cause without expectation, we are blessed with abundance. And kindness helps us shift our energy and helps us attain good mental and physical health.

The author also stresses the importance of spirituality. Please don't mistake it for any religion or religious activity. According to me, spirituality is looking inward, connecting to your inner voice, and surrendering yourself to some power that may be unseen. It means being able to empathize with others and working towards a higher goal of becoming one with the power itself. It is the journey of a soul to discover its purpose, the reason for being born as a human.

The book talks about how certain people just drop out of your lives. And I was in for a surprise, because there was an explanation that satisfied my search for answers about why certain good or best friends in my life just interact with me less and less until finally there comes a point when we no longer communicate with each other. The friends whose energy didn't correspond to my energy just got off at a station where we longer could go on together. It doesn't mean they had bad energy, it just means that our frequency stopped matching and we no longer were going to contribute to each other's life in a positive way. Everyone after all is a passenger in the journey called life and takes different routes (decisions) to reach an ultimate goal (self-realization, becoming one with the higher self). 

This supports my belief that we meet people for a reason. We have something to learn from them, something to teach them, and we can share our good and bad experiences with them before diverging. It's important here to learn and upgrade ourselves from time to time and move closer to the purpose.

Ok. I will stop here with a very heavy yet very near-to-my heart topic. Please feel free to touch base with me on this. I would love to have offline discussions on this topic. And yes, for people who are interested in this topic, I would strongly recommend this book to you if you don't have access to simple and understandable texts in your mother tongue.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds super interesting. Your book reviews are adding to my 'to be read' list....


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