15 February 2023

Blog Marathon - February 2023 - Day 15 - Fast like a girl written by Mindy Pelz - Book Review

Intermittent fasting and I have been thick friends since 2017.

It's a lifestyle where I have cut down the meals to either one or two a day. In that meal, I try to have all the components—like carbs, good fats, and proteins—in one sitting, spanning an hour. I also indulge in a piece of cake or chocolate sometimes.

Don't worry, I have read a lot about it from different people who have been practicing it, and I have chosen this lifestyle for myself, which is convenient and easy and has huge benefits. I can sleep better, I have lost a lot of fat over my body, I fit into clothes sized M and S sometimes, I have immense energy at the end of the day, and I am extremely happy and cheerful on most of the days. My blood count is excellent, and I am hale and healthy. I work out regularly, and with the help of this lifestyle, I want to age gracefully without getting affected by lifestyle diseases.

As we all know, science is always evolving, and so is nutrition and the research done on it. I have been following Mindy Pelz on YouTube for a while now. She is a strong advocate of fasting, but she stresses the fact that women should fast differently. Women have menstrual cycles, and hormones have a strong effect on this cycle and on life in general. So she advises timing the fasts according to the days in the cycle. I was pleasantly surprised at her advocacy and then could relate to the energy spurts and dips according to the days in the monthly cycle. She published a book in December 2022, and I immediately got a copy for myself to do a self-study about it.

The book is written in a very simple language. There's nothing too scientific or outlandish that a layperson like me wouldn't understand. She constantly stresses the fact that a woman's physiology is different and she needs to be approached and treated differently, unlike her male counterparts. She has divided the book into three different parts.

In the first part, she explains the science behind why women should try a different approach. She has also gone into great detail about the advantages of fasting. She has also explained "metabolic switching," when the body starts using the fat reserves as fuel for running the body. And in the last chapter of this part, she goes on to explain in detail what exactly happens on specific days of the monthly cycle to your body. She talks about the different hormones that rule a woman's mind and body. It's not a wonder anymore why it's difficult for women to lose weight. We are different; we have different hormones, and we need to take this really seriously.

In the second part, she explains how to time the fasting with the monthly cycles and the foods that support the different hormones throughout the cycle. In the third part, she gives a 30-day fasting reset for beginners and also gives tips on how to break a fast and a few hacks that make fasting easier. At the end, she has also given a few recipes that are excellent sources for building a strong body and a strong mind.

Overall, I loved reading this book, and I preferred a physical copy to a Kindle one because I like to read it multiple times, take notes, and underline the most important guidelines. I would recommend this book to every woman who wants to start this journey into the wonderful world of intermittent fasting, as well as to seasoned women fasters who would surely benefit from this new research and input.

Drop me a line or two if you have read it already or would like to take it up in the future. I would be happy to connect with you and go along on this journey with you.


  1. You have really aroused my curiosity. Added it to my TBR list (to be read list ).... thanks for a wonderful review.

  2. Hi
    I chanced on your blog through the Facebook post/page of an acquaintance – Anu Pargaonkar.
    More than anything I felt like writing to you as a convinced intermittent faster : -) and a fellow German translator to encourage you on your journey to good health. While still in India, around 2016-2017 a popular proponent of “Two meals a day” who brought significant change in the outlook towards health was Dr. Jaganath Dixit. You may like to follow his work here https://adoretrust.org/eng/know-about-dr-jagannath-dixit/ and here
    A medical doctor himself, who was frustrated in his efforts to lose weight, he successfully conducted studies to show how eating frequency influences weight loss. Dr. Dixit has been at the helm of a social movement to prevent and reverse diabetes mellitus, influencing a sea change in the outlook towards eating habits and health across communities in India and abroad.
    Personally I have been eating twice a day for a consistent period of time since 2017. Suffice it to say, it does wonders. It is the simplest form of diet , easy to follow and maintain over a length of time, does not take any planning or separate meal preparation and gives surprising quick results. And the cherry on the top….it helps reduce the most resistant fat on your body…. those dollops of fat that make your tummy jiggle. I found myself feeling light energetic, with blemish free skin and good mood. Surprisingly it also reduce my migraine episode which had been with me since puberty. On my part, I have tried to pass on this wisdom to others in my friend circle and colleagues at work. My colleagues in India still remember me for this (the IT industry in India is notorious for a sedate life style and poor eating habits).
    Well, I could go on….would like to connect with you if you are interested….drop me a mail on ramamulye@gmail.com … we could exchange notes and connect on Whatsapp as well.


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