15 July 2015

Blog Marathon Post 8 - Food for thought

My friend Mrunal introduced me to a very nice blog called Indian Makeup and Beauty Blog where one can read any information related to make-up and beauty, health, fitness, weight loss, reviews on new shampoos, lipsticks, creams and what not.

You can check it here if you feel like:


So I happened to come across an article on this blog where one girl had lovingly shared her diet chart to help others the way she lost. She had given some conditions to follow and also a 30 minutes’ walk or gym or any aerobic exercises were a must. I also read the reviews on her post where she had put a 4 week diet plan with portions and timings. People seemed to be extremely happy looking at it and almost everybody had exclaimed that it is so practical and doable and that they would start from very next day etc. I was also in high spirits looking at it and my health-buddy, P and I decided to give it a shot from Monday this week.

We both are not good weight losers. We lose weight, but very slowly and with utmost efforts. We are also not into fad diets, which claim to help you lose 5 kgs in a month or so. We take it easy and this diet looked good that way. I started with it on Monday and I can't tell you how boring the entire day felt to me. The time was not passing at all and I was finishing my meal in 10 minutes max. There was a gap of at least 3-4 hrs between lunch and tea. And dinner also there was hardly anything that I really ate. That left me so forlorn and negative with myself. I am not a foodie or I do not having cravings for food at unusual time. But I realized that I have a strong connection with food. I love what I eat and I am happy in turn. I make it a point to be regular in my exercises too. Suddenly negative thoughts entered my mind. Why am I doing this in the first place? Is it really necessary to do this? What do you want to prove with this diet and what not. All these thoughts clouded my head and I felt like giving it up the first day itself. But then thought, no, I should continue for at least a week and see the results. I shouldn't quit halfway.

My thoughts then shifted to people who really can't manage to even have a single meal in a day. Food gives us energy to live and sustain and grow. It gives us strength to fight against all odds. But with no food in stomach, does this strength still survive and keeps one going? I have seen so many people who waste food in the office canteen where food is free. Why take it so much in the first place and then waste it. The food left by people from the office goes to a cow shed and the food which is not consumed goes to a children home. I think restaurants also follow the same thing.

Children should be taught not to waste food right from their childhood. So that they become responsible citizens and know the efforts it takes to put the food on the table. I have seen foreign kids better trained in this sense than the Indian kids. What could be the reason? Are we as Indian parents less disciplined ourselves and then we fail to inculcate the same in our kids? Personally, I do not like to waste food. Whatever is not consumed is given to my maid.  She thanks me and her god for giving her good food every day. I get her blessings and my purpose of not wasting the food is solved too.

We all should learn to respect food because food is life and not love as they show in films ;)

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