21 July 2015

Blog Marathon Post 12 - Monsoon woes

Monsoon usually starts in the month of June and continues till September, sometimes till October. This year Bangalore did not experience any heavy monsoon rains in June and it was pleasant and cool otherwise. Black clouds could be seen in the skies, but they somehow evaded the pouring down. Now suddenly since a day or two, the rain gods have been happy and they are blessing the whole country with showers.

India, being an agricultural country is mainly dependent on farming and farmers in turn are dependent on the rains. Due to the development in technology and science, the farmers are able to access the nature of the soil and then accordingly reap the crops twice or sometimes thrice in a year. But many small farmers suffer at the hands of landlords and debts and get stuck in the vicious circle of debt and losses. It is a great pity that the farmer is the one who gives us food to eat and he is the one who is most oppressed and poor. There are suicides and deaths of farmers reported everyday and we cannot do anything about it than to just feel bad about it. The farmers get very poor rate of the crops and those crops are in turn sold for huge profits or even exported. Shouldn't there be some policy to change this and give a better life to the farmers? Don't they deserve a good and happy life, they are our providers of food, aren't they?

Monsoon not only affects the lives of farmers, but in city, life is thrown out of gear once there are heavy rains. Water clogging, electricity being not there, traffic jams stuck on the road for hours is not new to us. With more and more people coming to the city and with no proper infrastructure or planning, cities have started breeding diseases and health hazards. Drinking water gets contaminated and there are epidemics which upset the routine of the commoners. Then hospitals are flooded and the medicines suddenly get costly. It is a vicious circle. Railway tracks get flooded and people are not able to get to work or even get back. There are instances when the people in train were helped by the people staying near tracks with food and water. So humanity is still not lost, I feel.

We just need a better management and awareness of using the rain water to get use. It is called rain harvesting and many new societies have incorporated this concept and have started making good use of the rain water rather than wasting it. We should learn to preserve the natural resources and make use of the rain, sunlight and air which will help our future generations to sustain and grow.

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