17 December 2018

Picture Challenge - 1

My good friend John who introduced me to the world of blogging stays in Canada. He shifted there last year. Like any other person, he faced problems with settling down in an entirely new county and among new people. He took to a new passion there. Photography!! I am sad that he doesn't blog anymore. I miss our Monthly Writing Marathons. But he is happy with the new passion and he is very active on Instagram and has the handle name johnjethi. Please check out his collection. It's marvelous, stupefying and it completely mesmerizes me. He asks me to chose which I like the best but there is no best. All are too good to even rank them 1 point lower. So this brilliant idea struck me last week. Something that would bring his passion for photography and my passion for writing together! Yes, it's a brilliant idea as it is going to keep us both creatively active. So what's the idea?

John goes for a weekly meet up of like-minded people who love photography and he clicks random shots of anything he sees or likes or of things that appeal to him. So I thought, why not write something about his clicks? I was excited to see what was his thought behind clicking a particular picture. He usually adds a word or two after the post-processing his pictures and uploads them on Instagram. But I requested him to send me a few pictures every week and I will write something about each of them. He will choose the best he likes and he will upload it on Instagram and I will publish it on my blog. So I am so excited today to write about his first photo that he sent me yesterday. The picture is this:

And what came to my mind when I saw this picture:


There are 1000s of stars in the sky.

Some big, some small,
some bright and some sharp
Some dull, some lost
some plain and some attractive

Be that one star/light
that shines no matter what
gives its best
till it thrives and survives

What do you think about this new joint collaboration?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for these wonderful words. You have given a new meaning to this picture.


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