31 January 2019

Picture Challenge - 4

It snowed today again. T and I walked to school in the morning with a flurry of snow touching our faces and hands. T wore leather hand gloves today so that he can play in the snow later in school. We made little snowballs and hurled at each other. After coming back, I sat watching the snow from my window. I counted my blessings. I had a heater in the home and a sofa where I could just sit, doing nothing, just looking outside. I remembered that John had asked me to select a photo from the ones he had sent last week for the next picture challenge. It was my choice this week to decide what to pick. He gave me that liberty this week.
I selected this photo

Fighting against your own personal demons in your head, there comes a time when you have to let go of the negative thoughts and the negative emotions which hound you and emerge into the foreground with clean and positive thoughts. There is much more to life than simply putting yourself down for not being able to adjust in the harsh weather conditions. Let the emotions out, let the tears flow. They are therapeutic. Being totally empty will help to fill in something more valuable.

Cold outside, cold inside, that won't help for a long time. The fire inside the heart needs to be kept alive. The sun for me is an epitome of all the positivity and for most of us, it is a symbol of life, of being alive. Sun is almost absent during the winter here in Europe and its absence brings a lot of mental and physical diseases. Just as the sun rises and sets daily in some or the other part of the world, there can be ups and downs in life, but important is not be raddled by the negative and self-deprecating thoughts, but let go of the strong hold of such thoughts and move ahead in life.

To Get a life.

After a cold and harsh winter, there is spring.

Not far away.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes. There is always a spring and a summer ... though it follows with a winter, the cycle never ceases. It's acceptance of this cycle, especially the winter that makes the cycle easier to live. Beautifully written.


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