02 January 2019

Happy new year 2019

Yesterday the whole world ushered in the new year and the internet was flooded with messages and wishes and resolutions. Though it is the beginning of a new English year, the whole world celebrates it as if it is one. There are various continents and countries and they might have their own new year according to the lunar calendar, but on this day particularly everyone celebrates without any differences and we all become similar for a moment.

So here's wishing the world and you all the world citizens a very happy and prosperous new year 2019.

Let's wish more peace, more progress, more humanity, more constructive and progressive work for the whole humanity and less of wars of any kind, less hatred, fewer murders, attacks, less discrimination against each other and less corruption.

Let's work for harmony and balance rather than getting misled by wrong people or the media.

Let's help each other to bring the best in each other rather than pointing out the shortcomings.

Let's have a better understanding of the circumstances and conditions of the people before passing a remark or before judging them.

Let's be more tolerant towards our family, friends, neighborhood, and society.

Let's gift a smile to someone who is sad.

Let's light up someone else's life who is alone.

Let's save and conserve natural resources for future generations.

Let's pledge to be more human and less destructive.

Let's wish each other a bright and beautiful 2019.



  1. Very positive pledge for the new year! I like it.

  2. Very nice and kind hearted message dear..wish you the same...happy healthy and peaceful new year

  3. Anuradha Govil Kulkarni3 January 2019 at 10:31


  4. Beautifully presented with perfect words


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