22 March 2013

Sunny days are here again!

As I started from home in the morning for office today, it was a bright and sunny and after 2 days of dull and gray weather, I was very happy to see the yellow sun shining in the sky, though not very brightly. People living in Asian countries hardly pay respect to the sun; they take it for granted and even curse it in times of peak summer. But once you come to Europe, especially, central Europe, then the very sight of the sun during winters seems so much bliss!! As the train slowly climbed the hill, the weather changed drastically and the sun vanished behind a thick envelope of gray clouds. Suddenly it seemed as if our train was galloping through a white trail of clouds and fog. It seemed like a scene straight from a horror movie. Suddenly my cheerful mood dropped to a low and I felt very sad and lonely sitting in the train going to office, with no known face around me.

I got down at my usual station and there stood 100 steps before me, grinning at me. Everyday, I have to climb them in order to reach office. There is a bus route also, but then the timings are very weird and involve a lot of waiting period. I am amongst the first one to start walking up the steps and the last one to reach, all huffing and puffing and running out of breath.  Small children and old people overtake me easily and I really feel ashamed of my stamina. But then I say to myself that this is a good time to build stamina and reduce the paunch and shed a few grams here and there. Here in Germany, it involves a lot of physical activity like climbing steps, walking a distance to get groceries and stuff etc. I have also decided to say no to chocolates, cakes, sweet yoghurts, fruit juices. This will also help me in strengthening my health regime and will also help me cut down on consuming non-useful calories.

As I reached office, the atmosphere seemed light and happy as it was Friday. Most of the people were going to leave early as most of them travel out of Stuttgart to their home and families and friends and they have to plan in advance and catch trains accordingly. As I looked out of the window, the sun seemed back again and I thanked him for gracing me with his presence once again. My day went off well by the very thought that it is going to be a bright and sunny week end. It is now expected that the weather will change for good and the spring will set in. I am looking forward to this season, which I have never experienced in my earlier visits to Germany. The forthcoming seasons of spring and summer mean colourful and cheerful atmosphere and lot of people on road, enjoying the sun and making merry.

Am on look out for that colour and bright and shiny and sunny nature!

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