03 August 2011


Mother, Maa, Amma - Let the language be different but meaning is same... I want to dedicate this to my mom who is world to me.
There is a saying - “A good mother is better than 100 Masters". Yes mom you are my master. They say the first school starts from house & the first teacher is MOTHER. YES it is very much true. You are my consolation in sorrow, my hope in misery, and my strength in weakness. You are the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. Mom your hands were always open when I need a hug. Your heart understood when I need a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. Your strength and love has guided me when and gave me wings to fly. Thanks for giving me this wonderful life. You made a decision to have a child – “It’s momentous. I feel it is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” As I grew up with your unconditional bounding, love, care, affection, Mom I stopped seeing you with the eyes of a child, I saw the woman who helped me give birth to myself.  The Smile which brighten any moment, those every hugs put joy in all our days, the love between mom and daughter is very special. You took me under your wings and taught me how to be a woman.
If god asks me what I want, I would say, I want my mother in all my next births. Thank you mom for all your sacrifices. Thank you for showering unconditional love on us. Thank you for all the times you gently picked me up when I fell down. For everything we shares, the dreams, the laughter and the tears

When god set the world in place
When he hung the stars up in space,
When he made the land and the sea,
Then he made you and me
Tejaswini, my best friend is extremely attached to her mother and all these lines and the poetry is penned by her.
Daughters share a very unique and special bond with their moms. Who can understand and explain it better than the daughters themselves? As god couldn’t be everywhere, he made mothers. Mothers cross the highest threshold of pain during child birth and bring their children to this world. Who else can do it?
Mothers have a heart of gold which can melt when the daughter is in pain and can also become rock solid when it is required for her daughter. She acts as a mentor, friend, guide and teaches her daughter how to make the house, where she goes after her wedding into a home.

Daughters can never replay their mothers for all that they have done for them.

I sincerely wish and pray that I and Tejaswini continue this legacy with our daughters, when we bring them into this world. It would be a partial repayment to our mothers.

1 comment:

  1. Am really impressed by your projection of mothers and made me miss my mom. I was just thinking of her today and was wondering how deep is her love for me that despite I growing up to a different person, despite I getting irritated at her sometimes, despite everything that's bad in me, she never stops adoring me.
    I miss her more now :-(


The dilemma

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