27 March 2014

Early Spring

I returned to Germany after spending one good month with my family and friends in Bangalore, Pune and Mumbai. I slipped out at the right time, because it had started getting hotter in Mumbai and my mother told me that 2 days after I returned, the temperature in Dombivli had touched 42 degrees Celsius. It was the hottest day ever in history of my home-town and I escaped it thankfully. Last two days in Dombivli had become unbearable for me and I couldn’t sleep though the fan was hovering in full speed. That is when the Air Conditioner came to my rescue and I slept peacefully for last two nights there. 

I was thinking that when I go back, I would be surrounded by snow, but strangely, here, in Stuttgart, the snowfall didn’t happen at all this winter. It snowed for about 5-10 minutes in the city, twice, but that was it! In the mountains and higher areas, it did snow, but it did not touch Stuttgart much. I was not sad on not seeing the snow, because for a working mother like me who has to walk a lot to office and get her kid back home, again walking and holding a pram, no snow is like going on a holiday! I would have loved to see the snow sitting at home, but definitely not when I was on the roads! So, when I landed in Germany, it was pleasant and sunny and I was more than happy to have not being greeted with the grey and cold weather.

As I started with my routine during the weekdays, I noticed around that the bald trees had slowly started blooming. Throngs of blue, purple, yellow flowers were seen in patches, here and there and they were a sight to see! The sky was blue, sunny, and it felt good to walk to office in the sun. The fat and long jackets were no longer needed and the big boots and caps found their place back in the cupboards at home! People were seen outdoor and in trendy, fashionable and bright clothes as if they were cheering the spring and saying Auf Wiedersehen (good bye) to winter. The temperature range between 0-12 degrees now and it had even touched 21 degrees in the last week. I wondered, if spring is so warm, what the summer will be like! But, I have no issues with the sun shining brightly. I do not mind if he comes in full vigor, I have a problem, when I don’t see him! I feel low and lost and lonely on a grey day. Rains are common here and if the sun is shining brightly at say 2 p.m, it can rain at 2:15 pm. Though the weather forecast is almost accurate, the climate really changes at a fast pace!

Atul’s bicycle is back in action and we have planned to buy a small tricycle for Tanay, so that he can ride it out in the sun and have a new experience and lot of fun. A birthday gift like a cycle or a small car would be ideal for him to drive in spring and later in summer, we think! I am looking forward to the extended day light and reduced time difference between India and Germany! I am also keen on capturing the different colors of spring blossoms on my cell phone camera and post them here!

Till then,

Auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to have escaped the Indian summer this year... Even the ever pleasant Bangalore is burning like never before!

    Enjoy the German Spring and Summer :-)


The divine intervention

The sole intention to start the spiritual group, Adhyatmwari in Germany was to give people a platform to practice their spiritual beliefs an...