26 March 2014

3rd birthday of my blog

17th Feb 2014 - 3rd birthday of my blog!

I was in India and hence couldn't write about it here!

I take this opportunity today for thanking all the folks who regularly visit my blog and take time to read my thought and opinions on various issues and topics. I know a few of you and I do not know the most of you, who read my writings. But that's ok, I guess. As long as my thoughts get a voice and you find them interesting, this anonymity is ok! I am an extremely sentimental person and you may find some topics touchy and preachy and outdated, illogical, but that is the way I am. I think from my heart and not head and I value every small thing in this world and created by God.

I value my friends, my family and my work. The Blue sky helps me to introduce this inside and valuable world to the outside world and also satisfies the creative writer in me. It doesn't complain, doesn't fuss, is not judgemental. It just presents whatever I feel and write! It is a platform to free my worries and concerns and it helps me to de-stress also!

Thank you Blue Sky for being there and thank you all the people out there for inspiring me to write in this fourth consecutive year!

We will celebrate many more birthdays like these!

1 comment:

  1. Belated Happy B'day to "The Blue Sky"

    May this blue sky be always sunny and clear, cheering it's reader with the moments of good reading :-)

    Looking forward to many many more b'days... Never stop writing !


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