04 October 2011

Happy birthday

Birthdays for me are a celebration of being alive and healthy and kicking. It is the most special occasion for me and I see to it that my family members and close friends are well wished by me on their special day.

Today is my 32nd birthday. But this year, there was no child-like enthusiasm for it and or lots of expectations from it. Did the age have to do something with it? No idea. There was a surprise in store for me, for sure, from none other than my dear hubby. He is of the types who don’t believe in giving gifts which are of no use later. I was actually reminding him from past 1 week that the day is approaching and that he better be prepared for it. He was constantly telling me from past 2 days that he couldn’t get time to buy me a gift and so I should forgive him this year, which I readily did and did not pester him again. In the morning, a big greeting card and a box of chocolates sat adorning my dressing table and I instantly knew that it has to be him. He was sheepishly looking at it, trying to act as if he didn’t know who planted it there. That made my day. A big smile filled my face and heart and tears welled up in my eyes when I read the content. My mother-in-law and her mom are here with us for a few days. So aaji gave me a gift for my birthday with lots of blessings. With a positive note, I started for office.

My buddies, Koustubh, Sudhir, John, Ajay, my college friend Deepali, my kid sister Shreya, my granny, my husband’s uncle and aunt from Hyderabad, my ex colleague and a very good friend, Ranjani were amongst the people who wished me. My father and father-in-law wished me too, which was again a surprise because they both usually forget birthdays and anniversaries. My mom, being at a trek was out of coverage area, hence this is the first birthday when she couldn’t wish me. Nevertheless, she is visiting me soon and I am looking forward to it. 

My team mates Kirti and Payal wished me. Others didn’t know or didn’t bother to wish me. There is a regular mailer sent out on birthdays of team members. However, it did not come for me. This is the usual trend which happens every year. I think about it for some time and leave the thought and move ahead. All the important people in my life and their wishes mean a lot to me and these people wish me without fail, which really counts. Teams and people in it keep on changing and no long term friendships can be really expected out of it.

I remember how different birthdays used to be in school and college! It was a day of wearing a new dress, granny prepared lots of goodies and there was a special treat to the close friends and the neighbors. All my friends gathered at my place and we ate, we talked, we laughed and had a great time! With limited money in our hands that time, money was collected from all friends and a gift was brought, which actually was over-shadowed by the presence of the gang in the house. In college, the trend of treating in a hotel started, but still it couldn’t replace the home-made food and the fun and the laughter. Nowadays people spend so much on birthday parties of 1 and 2 year old kids. The kids hardly understand the significance of such lavish parties. But then it is a matter of choice and people spend for their own satisfaction rather than doing something constructive on that day. I visited my neighbor’s daughter’s birthday party where we were asked not to carry any gifts and it was a simple affair of only 10 close people of the family. I took a small plant for the kid so that her mother can teach the kid to take care of it by watering it etc.

Facebook has become another medium to wish people on birthdays. People mail and send SMS, but not wishing on Facebook is the in-thing! I am sure, people whom I know and also whom I haven’t met in my life would have wished me there because the birthday reminder is shown on the pages of all people who are in your friends’ list.  It feels a little awkward when wishes pour from people with whom you are not in touch regularly and the people who are in touch with you totally forget to wish you on your big day!!!

Anyways, my next birthday is not going to be the same anymore so why not enjoy this day and thank all my well wishers and friends and family for their love and greetings and blessings?

Isn’t it?  

1 comment:

  1. Good One dear :-) Visited your blog after a long time :( I wish i would have been with u. I only called u & wished.I still remember how last year we celebrated your birthday together.... C u soon !!! & Keep writing....


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